[CTC] ユーコンのオーロラ撮影 Northern Lights in The Yukon

Added: 2011-12-10 07:05:35 | Author: Ciaela
Views: 530
Categories: Travel & Events

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We went out (on two separate nights) to take photos of the Northern Lights. The … show morevideo quality is kinda crap because it was literally pitch black outside, but with slow shutter settings we were able to take some pretty good pictures of the Aurora the first night! (The shots with the teepee.) The second night, it was really cloudy, so we took timelapse photos instead. The timelapse clip actually has about 200 photos in it, but it goes by pretty quickly. Hahaha.

2日間にかけてオーロラの撮影しました。最初の日天気が良くて、奇麗な緑が写っていた写真たくさん撮れました。2日目は曇っていたので、奇麗に見えませんでしたが、timelapseを撮って中々いい景色をみました。 hide

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